Kipyatkova I., Kagirov I. Phone Durations Modeling for Livvi-Karelian ASR// In Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNAI. 2023. vol. 14339. pp. 87–99.
Karpov A., Dvoynikova A., Ryumina E. Intelligent Interfaces and Systems for Human-Computer Interaction// In Proc. of the 7th International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” IITI-2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. pp. 3–13.
Kipyatkova I. S., Rodionova A. P., Kagirov I. A., Krizhanovsky A. A. Speech and text data preparation for developing an automatic speech recognition system for the Karelian language // In Proc. of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023. vol. 45(5). pp. 89–98.
Dvoynikova A. A., Kondratenko K. K. Approach to automatic recognition of emotions in speech transcriptions // Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2023. vol. 66, no 10. pp. 818-827.
Кагиров И.А. Системы регистрации жестовой информации и их применение в авиакосмических исследованиях. Авиакосмическое приборостроение. 2023. № 10. С. 35–46.
Povolotskaia A.A., Evdokimova V.V., Skrelin P.A. Recording and evaluation of speech data set for negative emotions recognition in speech // Terra Linguistica, 14 (2) (2023) 59–76.
Ushakov I.B., Bubeev Yu.A., Syrkin L.D., Karpov A.A., Polyakov A.V., Ivanov A.V., Usov V.M. Remote tele-counseling in primary healthcare for screening of anxiety-depressive disorders with a feedback loop from the patient // System analysis and control in biomedical systems. 2023. vol. 22. no. 4. pp. 140-153.
Kashevnik A.M., Karpov A.A., Bubeev Yu.A., Usov V.M., Ivanov A.V. Systems for Detecting Fatigue While Simulating Operator Activity of Cosmonauts // Manned Spaceflight. 2023. no. 4(49). pp. 106-121.
Povolotskaia A., Karpov A. Modern problems of automatic speech recognition: detection and analysis of extra-linguistic vocalizations in spontaneous conversational speech // In Proc. of the 8th Interdisciplinary Seminar “Analysis of Conversational Russian Speech” AR3-2023. St. Petersburg. 2023. pp. 44-50.
Dvoynikova A. An analytical review of multimodal data corpora for emotion recognition // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2023. Vol. 1. pp. 251-256.
Dvoynikova A. Analyzing the engagement and emotions of virtual communication interlocutors // Proceedings of the XII Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO University. 2023. Vol. 2. pp. 185-190.
Karpov A.A. Intellectual systems for organization of multimodal human-machine interaction // Collection of abstracts of the Russian forum “Microelectronics 2023”. 2023. pp. 550-551.
Ryumina E. Automatic recognition of emotional speech from video information // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2023. Vol. 1. pp. 324-329.
Ryumina E., Dresvyanskiy D., Karpov A. In Search of a Robust Facial Expressions Recognition Model: A Large-Scale Visual Cross-Corpus Study // Neurocomputing. Elsevier. 2022. Vol. 514. pp. 435-450.
Dresvyanskiy D., Ryumina E., Kaya H., Markitantov M., Karpov A., Minker W. End-to-End Modeling and Transfer Learning for Audiovisual Emotion Recognition in-the-Wild // Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2022. Vol. 6. ID 11.