Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory



Karpov A., Kipyatkova I., Zelezny M. Automatic Technologies for Processing Spoken Sign Languages. In Proc. SLTU-2016, Indonesia. Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier, Vol. 81, 2016, pp. 201-207. (Scopus SJR – 0,314).
Verkhodanova V., Shapranov V. Experiments on detection of voiced hesitations in Russian spontaneous speech // Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Hindawi, USA, Volume 2016, 2016, Article ID 2013658. (Scopus SJR – 0,225).


Verkhodanova V.O. Analysis and detection of phonational speech disfluencies on the material of continues Russian speech of different types and styles // In Proc. XX St. Petersburg Assembly of young scientists and specialists. 2015. p. 9.
Karpov A.A., Means of speech and multimodal human-computer interaction for assistive information technologies // Speech Technology, No 3-4, 2014, pp. 48-59.
Kryuchkov B.I., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Organization of voice interaction between a human operator and an anthropomorphic mobile robot for maintaining spatial orientation in weightlessness. // Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on "Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems", Samara: Samara Scientific Centre RAS, Russia, 2015, pp. 522-527.
Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics as a new stage of designing on-board trainers and biotechnical systems for the space station.// In Proc. International Scientific and Technological Conference «Extreme Robotics»– St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Polytechnic-service", 2015. pp. 47-51.
Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics as a new stage of designing on-board trainers and biotechnical systems for the space station. In Proc. International Scientific and Technological Conference «Extreme Robotics (ER-2015)», St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015, pp. 43-46. (in Rus.)
Ronzhin Al.L., Ronzhin Аn.L., Budkov V.Yu. Cascade system for remote audio-visual speakers monitoring and recording // Current trends in the development of protection systems, special communication systems and information systems designed for the Government: IX All-Russian Interdepartmental Scientific Conference: papers and proceedings. Orel, Russia, Vol. 9, 2015, pp. 93-95.
Karpov А.А. Multimodal user interface for an assistive contactless computer control system// Current trends in the development of protection systems, special communication systems and information systems designed for the Government: IX All-Russian Interdepartmental Scientific Conference: papers and proceedings. Orel, Russia, Vol. 9, 2015, pp. 90-92.
Karpov А.А., Kryuchkov B.I, Usov В.M. Verbal interaction of the astronaut with the robot when maintaining spatial orientation in a closed work environment // Current problems of work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics. – М.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2015. – pp. 460-477. (RSCI).
Karpov А.А., Ronzhin A.L. Multimodal interfaces for human-computer and human-robot interaction // Current problems of work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics. – М.: Institute of Phycology, 2015. – pp. 441-459. (RSCI).
Ushakov I.B., Polyakov A.V., Karpov A.A., Usov V.M. Medical robotics application in on-board training simulators and biotechnical complexes for on-orbital station // Robotics and Technical Cybernetics. 2015, No 2 (7), pp. 12-17. (RSCI).
Usov V.M., Kryuchkov B.I., Karpov А.А., Kulakov F.M., Chernakova S.E. Engineering-psychological analysis of augmented reality technologies for visual support of robot manipulator remote control // Information and Space. No 4, 2015, С. 58-67. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,045).
Karpov А.А., Ronzhin A.L., Usov V.М. Instrumental Methods of Testing Contactless Human-Machine Interaction When Using a Helmet-Mounted Display. // Manned spaceflights (Pilotiruemye polety v kosmos). 2015, No 3(16), pp. 43-53. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,116).
Basov O.O., Karpov A.A. Analysis of Strategies and Methods for Multimodal Information Fusion // Information and control systems. 2015, No 2, pp. 7-14. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,381).