Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory



B. Kryuchkov, V. Usov, D. Ivanko. Prospects for the use of smart spaces for information support of a human - operator at remote monitoring a group of mobile robots on the Lunar surface // Proc. of Conf. “Informational Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 572-581.
I. Kagirov. Analytical overview of robotics systems with multimodal user interfaces // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 563-571.
O. Verkholyak. An analytical review of textual corpora in Russian for automatic sentiment analysis // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 548-553.
M. Markitantov, A. Karpov. An analytical review of approaches for automatical speaker’s age recognition // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 539-542.
A. Velichko, A. Karpov, V. Budkov. Analytical survey of speech corpora for deception detection systems // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 534-538.
A. Axyonov, D. Ryumin, D. Ivanko. Development of a geometric features system for automatic visual Russian speech recognition // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 526-533.
N. Markovnikov, I. Kipyatkova. Inquiry of methods for end-to-end Russian speech recognition systems construction // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018) (as a part of the 11th Multi-conference on Control Problems MKPU-2018), 2-4 October 2018 St. Petersburg. Pp. 518-525.
Kagirov I., Karpov A. Analytical overview of multimodal user interfaces for robotic systems // Pilotiruemye polyety v kosmos. Issue 29, № 4, 2018.
Velichko A., Budkov V., Karpov A. Study of classification methods for automatic truth and deception detection in speech // Science Bulletin of NTU. № 3 (72), 2018, pp. 21-32.
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Language Modeling for Continuous Russian Speech Recognition Systems // Proceedings of the R. Piotrowski's Readings in Language Engineering and Applied Linguistics, 2018, pр. 64-74.
Kryuchkov B., Usov V., Ivanko D., Kagirov I. Cognitive Components of Human Activity in the Process of Monitoring a Heterogeneous Group of Autonomous Mobile Robots on the Lunar Surface. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11097, 2018, pp. 148-158.
Kanis J., Ryumin D., Krňoul Z. Improvements in 3D Hand Pose Estimation using Synthetic Data. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11097, 2018, pp. 105-115.
Gruber I., Ryumin D., Hrúz M., Karpov A. Sign Language Numeral Gestures Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11097, 2018, pp. 70-77.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Železný M. Designing Advanced Geometric Features for Automatic Russian Visual Speech Recognition. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11096, 2018, pp. 245-254.
Markovnikov N., Kipyatkova I., Lyakso E. End-to-End Speech Recognition in Russian. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11096, 2018, pp. 377-386.