Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Kagirov Ildar Amirovich

Kagirov Ildar Amirovich
PhD student



Dvoynikova A. A., Kagirov I. A., Karpov A. A. Analytical review of methods for automatic detection of user engagement in virtual communication // Information and Control Systems. 2022. No. 5(120). pp. 12-22.
Dvoynikova A., Markitantov M., Ryumina E., Uzdiaev M., Velichko A., Kagirov I., Kipyatkova I., Lyakso E., Karpov A. An analysis of automatic techniques for recognizing human's affective states by speech and multimodal data // Proceedings of 24th International Congress on Acoustics ICA-2022. Korea. 2022. pp. 22-33.
Kagirov I., Ryumin D. Russian Sign Language Database for Clinical Use: Data and Annotation Peculiarities // Vestnik NSU. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 2022. No. 20(3). pp. 90-108.


Kagirov I., Kapustin A., Kipyatkova I., Klyuzhev K., Kudryavcev A., Kudryavcev I., Loskutov Y., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Medical exoskeleton “Remotion” with an intelligent control system: Modeling, implementation, and testing // Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Elsevier. 2021. Vol. 107. ID 102200.
Ryumin D.A., Kagirov I.A., Axyonov A.А., Karpov A.A. Analytical Review of Models and Methods for Automatic Recognition of Gestures and Sign Languages // Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy. 2021. Vol. 6. pp. 10-20.
Ryumin D.A., Kagirov I.A. Approaches to Automatic Gesture Recognition: Hardware and Methods Overview // Manned Spaceflight. 2021. pp. 82-99.


Ryumin D., Kagirov I., Axyonov A., Pavlyuk N., Saveliev A., Kipyatkova I., Zelezny M., Mporas I., Karpov A. A Multimodal User Interface for an Assistive Robotic Shopping Cart // Electronics. 9(12). ID 2093.