Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Kagirov Ildar Amirovich

Kagirov Ildar Amirovich
PhD student



Kipyatkova I., Kagirov I. Deep Models for Low-Resourced Speech Recognition: Livvi-Karelian Case // Mathematics. 2023. vol. 11(18). no. 3814.
Kipyatkova I., Kagirov I. Automatic speech recognition system for Karelian // Information and Control Systems. 2023. vol. 3. pp. 16-25.
Kipyatkova I., Kagirov I. Phone Durations Modeling for Livvi-Karelian ASR// In Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNAI. 2023. vol. 14339. pp. 87–99.
Kipyatkova I. S., Rodionova A. P., Kagirov I. A., Krizhanovsky A. A. Speech and text data preparation for developing an automatic speech recognition system for the Karelian language // In Proc. of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023. vol. 45(5). pp. 89–98.
Кагиров И.А. Системы регистрации жестовой информации и их применение в авиакосмических исследованиях. Авиакосмическое приборостроение. 2023. № 10. С. 35–46.


Kipyatkova I., Kagirov I. Analytical Review of Methods for Solving Data Scarcity Issues Regarding Elaboration of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Low-Resource Languages // Informatics and Automation. 2022. No. 4 (21). pp. 678-709.
Axyonov A., Kagirov I., Ryumin D. A method of multimodal machine sign language translation for natural human-computer interaction // Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. 2022. Vol. 22. No. 3. pp. 585-593.