Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Kipyatkova Irina Sergeevna

Kipyatkova Irina Sergeevna
Senior researcher
Academic title
Associate Professor



Verkhodanova V., Ronzhin Al., Kipyatkova I., Ivanko D., Karpov A., Železný M. HAVRUS Corpus: High-Speed Recordings of Audio-Visual Russian Speech. In Proc. SPECOM-2016, Budapest, Hungary, Springer LNCS, Vol. 9811, 2016, pp. 338-345.
Karpov A., Kipyatkova I., Zelezny M. Automatic Technologies for Processing Spoken Sign Languages. In Proc. SLTU-2016, Indonesia. Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier, Vol. 81, 2016, pp. 201-207. (Scopus SJR – 0,314).


Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Development of Factored Language Models for Automatic Russian Speech Recognition // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Moscow, Vol. 14, 2015, pp. 234-246. (Scopus).
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Recurrent Neural Network-based Language Modeling for an Automatic Russian Speech Recognition System. In Proc. International Conference AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015, pp. 33-38. (Scopus).
Kipyatkova I.S., Karpov A.A. Automatic Russian speech recognition using factored language models // Artificial intelligence and decision-making. 2015, No 3, С. 62-69. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,826).
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. А Comparison of RNNLM and FLM for Russian speech recognition. Speech and Computer. Springer, LNAI, Vol. 9319, Proc. SPECOM-2015, Athens, Greece 2015, pp. 42-50. (Scopus SJR = 0,339).
Karpov A., Ronzhin Al., Kipyatkova I. Automatic Analysis of Speech and Acoustic Events for Ambient Assisted Living. In Proc. 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2015, Part II, Springer LNCS 9176, Los Angeles, USA, 2015, pp. 455-463. (Scopus SJR = 0,339).