Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Kipyatkova Irina Sergeevna

Kipyatkova Irina Sergeevna
Senior researcher
Academic title
Associate Professor



Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Language Modeling for Continuous Russian Speech Recognition Systems // Proceedings of the R. Piotrowski's Readings in Language Engineering and Applied Linguistics, 2018, pр. 64-74.
N. Markovnikov, I. Kipyatkova. Inquiry of methods for end-to-end Russian speech recognition systems construction // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018) (as a part of the 11th Multi-conference on Control Problems MKPU-2018), 2-4 October 2018 St. Petersburg. Pp. 518-525.
Kipyatkova I. Improving Russian LVCSR Using Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic and Language Modeling. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11096, 2018, pp. 291-300.
Markovnikov N., Kipyatkova I., Lyakso E. End-to-End Speech Recognition in Russian. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11096, 2018, pp. 377-386.
Vatamaniuk I.V., Budkov V.Y., Kipyatkova I.S., Karpov A.A. Methods and Algorithms of Audio-Video Signal Processing for Analysis of Indoor Human Activity. In: Favorskaya M., Jain L. (eds.) Computer Vision in Control Systems-4. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 136. Springer, 2018, pp. 139-173.
Markovnikov N.M., Kipyatkova I.S. An Analytic Survey of End-to-End Speech Recognition Systems // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2018. Issue 3(58). pp. 77-110.
Verkhodanova V.O., Shapranov V.V., Kipyatkova I.S., Karpov A.A. Automatic detection of vocalized hesitations in Russian speech. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2018, No. 6, pp. 104–118. (in Russian)