We invite you to participate in the 23rd International Conference “Speech and Computer” (SPECOM-2021).
The event will be held in St. Petersburg September, 27-30, 2021 and will bring together more than 700 experts from around the world: researchers, linguists and engineers working in the areas of speech science, speech technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, etc.
The conference is organized by
- St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU, Moscow, Russia)
Important dates:
- May 31, 2021 Submission of full papers
- July 12, 2021 Notification of acceptance
- July 25, 2021 Camera-ready papers
- July 30, 2021 Early registration
- September 27-30, 2021 Conference dates