Ryumin D.A., Kagirov I.A. Approaches to Automatic Gesture Recognition: Hardware and Methods Overview // Manned Spaceflight. 2021. pp. 82-99.
Ryumina E.V., Dresvyanskiy D.V. Affecting of learning rate schedules on the efficiency of facial emotion recognition systems. // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2021, vol. 3. pp. 174-180
Dvoynikova A. Sentiment-analysis of spoken language transcription using automatic machine translation // Proceedings of the IX Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO University. 2021. Vol. 1. pp. 199-203.
Bojanić M., Delić V., Karpov A. Call Redistribution for a Call Center Based on Speech Emotion Recognition // Applied Sciences. 2020. 10(13). ID 4653.
Akhtiamov O., Siegert I., Karpov A., Minker W. Using Complexity-Identical Human- and Machine-Directed Utterances to Investigate Addressee Detection for Spoken Dialogue Systems // Sensors. 2020. 20(9). ID 2740.
Ryumin D., Kagirov I., Axyonov A., Pavlyuk N., Saveliev A., Kipyatkova I., Zelezny M., Mporas I., Karpov A. A Multimodal User Interface for an Assistive Robotic Shopping Cart // Electronics. 9(12). ID 2093.
Markitantov M., Dresvyanskiy D., Mamontov D., Kaya H., Minker W., Karpov A. Ensembling End-to-End Deep Models for Computational Paralinguistics Tasks: ComParE 2020 Mask and Breathing Sub-Challenges // Proceedings of INTERSPEECH-2020, ISCA, 2020. pp. 2072-2076.
Soğancıoğlu G., Verkholyak O., Kaya H., Fedotov D., Cadée T., Salah A., Karpov A. Is Everything Fine, Grandma? Acoustic and Linguistic Modeling for Robust Elderly Speech Emotion Recognition // Proceedings of INTERSPEECH-2020, ISCA, 2020. pp. 2097-2101.
Kagirov I., Ryumin D., Železný M. Gesture-Based Intelligent User Interface for Control of an Assistive Mobile Information Robot // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNAI 12336, ICR 2020. 2020. С. 126-134.
Hlaváč M., Gruber I., Železný M., Karpov A. Lipreading with LipsID // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNAI 12335, SPECOM 2020, 2020, pp. 176-183.
Kaya H., Verkholyak O., Markitantov M., Karpov A. Combining Clustering and Functionals based Acoustic Feature Representations for Classification of Baby Sounds // In Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI’20 Companion, WoCBU’20 Workshop Proceedings, ACM. 2020. pp. 509-513.
Bojanić M., Delić V., Karpov A. Effect of Emotion Distribution on a Call Processing for an Emergency Call Center // In Proc. 28th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2020, IEEE. Belgrade, Serbia. 2020. pp. 1-4.
Kagirov I., Kapustin A., Kipyatkova I., Klyuzhev K., Kudryavcev A., Kudryavcev I., Loskutov Y., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Medical exoskeleton “Remotion” with an intelligent control system: Modeling, implementation, and testing // Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 2020. 102200.
Kagirov I., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Karpov A. Multimedia Database of Russian Sign Language Items in 3D // Topics in the Study of Language (Voprosy Jazykoznanija). 2020. No. 1. pp. 104-123.
Dvoynikova A., Karpov A. Analytical review of approaches to russian text sentiment recognition // Information and Control Systems. 2020. No.4. pp. 20–30.