Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory



Ryumin D.A., Kagirov I.A., Axyonov A.А., Karpov A.A. Analytical Review of Models and Methods for Automatic Recognition of Gestures and Sign Languages // Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy. 2021. Vol. 6. pp. 10-20.
Ryumina E., Verkholyak O., Karpov A. Annotation Confidence vs. Training Sample Size: Trade-Off Solution for Partially-Continuous Categorical Emotion Recognition // In Proc. International Conference INTERSPEECH-2021. Brno, Czechia. 2021. pp. 3690-3694.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Kashevnik A. Speaker-Dependent Visual Command Recognition in Vehicle Cabin: Methodology and Evaluation // In Proc. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. Vol. 12997. 2021. pp. 291-302.
Kipyatkova I. End-to-End Russian Speech Recognition Models with Multi-head Attention // In Proc. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. Vol. 12997. 2021. pp. 327-335.
Karpov A., Potapova R. SPECOM 2021 Preface // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 12997. Proc. 23rd International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM 2021. 2021.
Ryumina E., Ryumin D., Ivanko D., Karpov A. A novel method for protective face mask detection using convolutional neural networks and image histograms // The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Moscow. 2021. Vol. XLIV-2/W1-2021. pp. 177–182.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D. A novel task-oriented approach toward automated lip-reading system implementation // The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Moscow. 2021. Vol. XLIV-2/W1-2021. pp. 85-89.
Axyonov А., Ryumin D., Kagirov I. Method of multi-modal video analysis of hand movements for automatic recognition of isolated signs of Russian sign language // The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Moscow. 2021. Vol. XLIV-2/W1-2021. pp. 7–13.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Developing of a Software-Hardware Complex for Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in Human–Robot Interfaces // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Electromechanics and Robotics ZR-2021. 2021. Vol. 232. pp. 259-270.
Letenkov M., Iakovlev R., Karpov. A. Approach to Image-based Face Recognition in Setting of Partial Face Occlusion by Personal Protective Equipment // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Electromechanics and Robotics ZR-2021. 2021. Vol. 232. pp. 249-258.
Velichko A.N., Karpov A.A. Automatic Detection of Deceptive and Truthful Paralinguistic Information in Speech using Two-Level Machine Learning Model // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Proc. International Conference “Dialogue” 2021. Moscow. 2021. pp. 698-704.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D. Development of Visual and Audio Speech Recognition Systems using Deep Neural Networks // Proc. 31st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Machine Vision GraphiCon-2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2021. Vol. 3027. pp. 905-916.
Dvoynikova A., Karpov A. An effect of back translation on emotion recognition in spontaneous Russian speech transcriptions // Proceedings of the 9th Interdisciplinary Seminar “Analysis of Conversational Russian Speech” AR3-2021. 2021. pp. 17-23.
Dvoynikova A., Mamontov D., Karpov A. Automatic detecting of the emotional state of participants in subject conversations by speech transcriptions // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2021. Vol. 3. pp. 63-68.
Karpov A., Potapov V., Potapova R. The 22nd International Conference SPECOM-2020 “Speech And Computerˮ // Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2022. V. 80. No. 2. pp. 107-115.