Kagirov I., Ryumin D., Axyonov A. Method for Multimodal Recognition of One-Handed Sign Language Gestures Through 3D Convolution and LSTM Neural Networks // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNAI 11658, SPECOM 2019, 2019, pp. 191-200.
Ryumin D., Aksenov A. Method for the automatic detection and recognition of 3D one-handed gestures. In Proc. VIII Congress of Young Scientists, St. Petersburg, ITMO, Vol. 4, 2019, pp. 64-69.
A. Axyonov, D. Ryumin, D. Ivanko. Development of a geometric features system for automatic visual Russian speech recognition // Proc. of Conf. “Information Technologies in Control” (ITU-2018), 2-4 October 2018, St. Petersburg. Pp. 526-533.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Axyonov A., Železný M. Designing Advanced Geometric Features for Automatic Russian Visual Speech Recognition. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2018, Leipzig, Germany, Springer, LNAI vol. 11096, 2018, pp. 245-254.