Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Ryumin Dmitry Alexandrovich

Ryumin Dmitry Alexandrovich
Senior researcher



Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Kipyatkova I., Axyonov A., Karpov A. Lip-reading Using Pixel-based and Geometry-based Features for Multimodal Human-Robot Interfaces // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, vol. 154, Zavalishin’s Readings 2019, 2020, pp. 477-486.


Ryumin D., Ivanko D., Kagirov I., Axyonov A., Karpov A., Zelezny M. Human-Robot Interaction with Smart Shopping Trolley using Sign Language: Data Collection. In Proc. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2019, Kyoto, Japan, 2019, pp. 949-954.
Ivanko D.V., Ryumin D.A., Karpov A.A., Zhelezny M. Investigation of the influence of high-speed video data on the recognition accuracy of audiovisual speech // Information-Control Systems (Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy) [Information and Control Systems], No. 2, 2019, pp. 26-34.
Ivanko D., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Automatic lip-reading of hearing impaired people // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42(2/W12), 2019, pp. 97-101.
Ryumin D., Kagirov I., Ivanko D., Axyonov A., Karpov A. Automatic detection and recognition of 3D manual gestures for human-machine interaction. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives 42(2/W12), 2019, pp. 179-183.
Kagirov I., Karpov A., Kipyatkova I., Klyuzhev K., Kudryavcev A., Kudryavcev I., Ryumin D. Lower Limbs Exoskeleton Control System Based on Intelligent Human-Machine Interface // Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer SCI 868, IDC 2019, 2019, pp. 477-482.
Kagirov I., Ryumin D., Axyonov A. Method for Multimodal Recognition of One-Handed Sign Language Gestures Through 3D Convolution and LSTM Neural Networks // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNAI 11658, SPECOM 2019, 2019, pp. 191-200.