Kipyatkova Irina Sergeevna

Senior researcher
Academic title
Associate Professor
Verkhodanova V., Ronzhin Al., Kipyatkova I., Ivanko D., Karpov A., Železný M. HAVRUS Corpus: High-Speed Recordings of Audio-Visual Russian Speech. In Proc. SPECOM-2016, Budapest, Hungary, Springer LNCS, Vol. 9811, 2016, pp. 338-345.
Karpov A., Kipyatkova I., Zelezny M. Automatic Technologies for Processing Spoken Sign Languages. In Proc. SLTU-2016, Indonesia. Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier, Vol. 81, 2016, pp. 201-207. (Scopus SJR – 0,314).
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Development of Factored Language Models for Automatic Russian Speech Recognition // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Moscow, Vol. 14, 2015, pp. 234-246. (Scopus).
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. Recurrent Neural Network-based Language Modeling for an Automatic Russian Speech Recognition System. In Proc. International Conference AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015, pp. 33-38. (Scopus).
Kipyatkova I.S., Karpov A.A. Automatic Russian speech recognition using factored language models // Artificial intelligence and decision-making. 2015, No 3, С. 62-69. (VAK; RSCI impact factor – 0,826).
Kipyatkova I., Karpov A. А Comparison of RNNLM and FLM for Russian speech recognition. Speech and Computer. Springer, LNAI, Vol. 9319, Proc. SPECOM-2015, Athens, Greece 2015, pp. 42-50. (Scopus SJR = 0,339).
Karpov A., Ronzhin Al., Kipyatkova I. Automatic Analysis of Speech and Acoustic Events for Ambient Assisted Living. In Proc. 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2015, Part II, Springer LNCS 9176, Los Angeles, USA, 2015, pp. 455-463. (Scopus SJR = 0,339).