Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Ryumina Elena Vitalevna

Ryumina Elena Vitalevna
Junior researcher
PhD student



Kukharev G., Ryumina E., Shulgin N. Method for generating masks on face images and systems for their recognition // Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. 2022. Vol. 22. No. 3. pp. 547-558.
Markitantov M., Ryumina E., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Biometric Russian Audio-Visual Extended MASKS (BRAVE-MASKS) Corpus: Multimodal Mask Type Recognition Task // Proceedings of 23rd International Conference INTERSPEECH-2022. Korea. 2022. pp. 1756-1760.
Dvoynikova A., Markitantov M., Ryumina E., Uzdiaev M., Velichko A., Kagirov I., Kipyatkova I., Lyakso E., Karpov A. An analysis of automatic techniques for recognizing human's affective states by speech and multimodal data // Proceedings of 24th International Congress on Acoustics ICA-2022. Korea. 2022. pp. 22-33.
Ryumina E., Ivanko D. Emotional Speech Recognition Based on Lip-Reading // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, SPECOM-2022, India. 2022. Vol. 13721. pp. 616-625.
Ryumina E.V. An analytical review of corpora for automatic assessment of human psychophysical states // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 363-365.
Ryumina E.V., Ivanko D. A review of multimodal corpora for studying the effect of speaker's emotional state on automatic lip-phrase recognition // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 366-369.
Ryumina E.V. Method of intellectual estimation of personal qualities of a human personality by visual data // Proceedings of the XI Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 127-131.