Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory

Dvoynikova Anastasia Aleksandrovna

Dvoynikova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
Junior researcher
PhD student



Dvoynikova A., Markitantov M., Ryumina E., Uzdiaev M., Velichko A., Kagirov I., Kipyatkova I., Lyakso E., Karpov A. An analysis of automatic techniques for recognizing human's affective states by speech and multimodal data // Proceedings of 24th International Congress on Acoustics ICA-2022. Korea. 2022. pp. 22-33.
Dvoynikova A. Cough recognition using spectrogram analysis // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 230-234.
Rolinsky S., Dvoynikova A. An analytical review of methods for extracting textual transcriptions from speech utterances // Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 336-340.
Dvoynikova A. Recognizing speaker engagement using mel-spectrogram analysis // Proceedings of the XI Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO University. 2022. Vol. 2. pp. 38-42.


Verkholyak O., Dvoynikova A., Karpov A. A Bimodal Approach for Speech Emotion Recognition using Audio and Text // Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS). Korea. 2021. Vol. 11(1). pp. 80-96.
Verkholyak O., Dresvyanskiy D., Dvoynikova A., Kotov D., Ryumina E., Velichko A., Mamontov D., Minker W., Karpov A. Ensemble-Within-Ensemble Classification for Escalation Prediction from Speech // In Proc. International Conference INTERSPEECH-2021. ISCA. Brno, Czechia. 2021. pp. 481-485.
Dvoynikova A., Markitantov M, Ryumina E., Ryumin D., Karpov A. Analytical Review of Audiovisual Systems for Determining Personal Protective Equipment on a Person's Face // Informatics and Automation. 2021. No 20(5). pp. 1115-1152.